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The shining door Stephen King

Beoordeling 4.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The shining
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 590 woorden
  • 1 december 2002
  • 41 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.7
41 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The shining
The shining door Stephen King
Title: The Shining
Author: Stephen King
Publisher, year: New English Library, 1977
Number of pages: 317
The title tells the contents of a book. I think that the title is ok, because the whole book is about ‘the shining’. The principal person is Danny, because that is the boy with the shining, he see things that other people can’t see and he see things what happened in the past. I liked it when Danny and Dick sitting in the car and talk to each other with their mind and he ask why miss Brant wants Mikes pants, because when she was watching Mike, she was thinking she would sure like to get into his pants. Jack Torrance: Ex boozer, he get the job as a super visor in the hotel Overlook, where many people where killed. After a while in the hotel he gets the ‘shining’ too. Wendy Torrance: Wife of Jack. Haven’t got the shining, but after a while she she’s some things too
Dick Hallorann: A black cook from hotel Overlook, when the family Torrance move into the hotel, he is going to Florida on a ‘holiday’. But he came back to safe the family. The book plays in “hotel Overlook”. ‘For me it’s thirty or forty, because I expect to be associated with the Overlook for a long time’ (page 138, line 6/8) This very important for the story, because the most of the story happens in that hotel. The scene is set round the year 1977, because they talk about the year 1970, the year that Mr Shockley and a group of his associates bought the hotel and turned its management over to me. And says that they run in the red for the several years, but he’s happy to say that the trust of the present owners in him has never wavered and that they broke even last year. And that this year the Overlook’s accounts were written in black ink for the first time in almost SEVEN decades. (1970+ +/- 7= 1977) (Page 14, In 1970, Mr Shockley almost seven decades )
The Shining In a town called Colorado lived a family, named Torrance. Father Jack Torrance has got a wife called Wendy and a son called Danny. Jack is an ex-alcoholic and gets a job in “the Overlook hotel” in the mountains. Danny got a special gift, witch named the shining. He can see what people think and he can see death people. At a certain day he see blood at the walls in the Overlook, hear and see people who doesn’t exist anymore! After a while Jack got the same thing and turned crazy. At the end of the book died Jack. Wendy and Danny survived thanks to the help of Dick Hallorann, who got the ‘shining’ too. I am happy with the end of the book, because the ‘bad’ people lose and the ‘good’ people survive. Sometimes the book looks very real and I like that! You see the story through the eyes and trough the thinking of every person and especially through the eyes of Danny. The book got the genre; Thriller! I like the theme of the book, because it have got much thrilling tense and it’s have a unimaginable story. I don’t think that the book have got a deeper story. Only that alcohol a bad thing is. The writer haven’t got anything to make clear. I should say; read the book, because it has got good characters, some thrilling tense and especially the book got a very good story!


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