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Finale op 27 september

terug naar alle inzendingen 2020

Foto's van Trisha

Amsterdam, Geuzeneld Voortgezet onderwijs

Thoughts We all have our thoughts, but sometimes they can go crazy. We have our happy and sad thought. There are times when we don’t have any. I put my thoughts in photos. I have all types of thoughts but you can't deny what you feel. There are thoughts that nobody knows off because you are scared to tell them, what they’ll think of you after you tell them. Sometimes you feel stuck or really happy or you feel that the world is upside down, that you don’t know what is going on. That everything you do has a meaning. I always have the thoughts of my friends and family, that's what the strings stand for, the connecting between them. But one of the most overwhelming and worst thought is that you can't be yourself, that you don't feel like yourself or that you don't even know who you are and that you need to hide everything. How you feel, what you think so you just stay quiet. But all of that doesn’t matter because at the end of the day it's only you. We have our beautiful eyes so we can see the beauty in everything or you have your passion, mine is writing, it’s something that I do when I stress, when I don’t feel like myself. I remember all of those good thoughts when I want to get rid of the bad ones. That’s why they stand after the bad picture. You are the one that you need to focus one. We have our ups and downs but we will get through that. <3