Willibrordusstraat 37
The Netherlands
Mr T.S. Lettington
Headmaster Pankhurst School
United Kingdom
February 6th, 2001
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a male pupil studying at a school in [woonplaats]. [woonplaats] is a small town populated by approximately 30,000 inhabitants. I have lived there for over eighteen years now.
I write you this letter to ask you if it is possible to study at a school like Pankhurst for a year after I have taken my exams. I was told that your school has an excellent reputation. I discussed my plans with another student from my class last week. He is a little older than me and he took classes at an English school a year ago and he liked it very much. He told me I should write to you. He figured you might want to help me.
The main purpose of my staying in Britain is that I wish to really master the speaking and writing of the language. Also it seems very interesting to me to see what the British school life is all about.
As my father is prepared to pay for all expenses I will not be concerned with financial matters. Furthermore I have an aunt who lives in Aberness. She has already let me know that I can stay with her for a year.
If there is any information you might require I sincerely hope you will let me know as soon as possible.
I hope to pass my exams in May or June. I am sure you understand that I look forward to receiving your letter.
Yours faithfully,
Letter handout
1 seconde geleden
Beste Ruud,
Heel erg bedankt voor je brief van Engels... Je hebt me erg geholpen met het maken van de Engelse brief... Ik heb niet je hele brief overgenomen maar heb er wel goed naar gekeken en er toch nog een 8.0 voor gehaald. Ik ben eigenlijk helemaal niet goed in Engels. Ik zit nu in de examenklas op VBO. Ik doe Engels helaas op A/B niveau... Al wil ik graag B/C niveau proberen om zo toch me MAVO-diploma te kunnen halen...
Heel erg bedankt,
Jan uit Den Haag...
23 jaar geleden