Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Beoordeling 4.5
Foto van een scholier
  • Filmverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas vwo | 1790 woorden
  • 17 augustus 2004
  • 8 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.5
8 keer beoordeeld

Verslag ‘Teminator 2: Judgement Day’ A) BEFORE Writer(s): James Cameron and William Wisher
Title: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Pages: 139 (A4, Arial point 12) Genre: Action, thriller, sci-fi
Expectation: I’ve seen the movie, and I liked it very much. I hope the screenplay is a bit different, maybe it contains different/deleted scenes. B) DURING NOTE: It could be hard to understand where I’m talking about if you don’t know the story. I suggest you first take a look at the story. Central figre: Terminator (T-800) - Name: None, but in one scene, John called him Uncle Bob against friends from his mother. - Age: None - Role: Terminator is a machine who looks human. Blood and skin, all the stuff, over an ando-skeleton. It is a self-learning computer. This means he accepts commands from John and can develop his skills. But, it’s also a killing machine, designed to kill people on his hitlist. It can’t and won’t stop untill he’s done with his mission priorities. The second machine who’s sent back through time. This time, his mission is to protect John Connor. That’s his first priority. - Qualities: He hasn’t got any emotion.... It’s a machine. - Good/bad: That’s a difficult question which I just can’t answer. It’s a machine without fealings, which becomes a father for John. But I agree with Sarah, it’s just a machine, a weapon which can help them to survive the T-1000. Central figure: Sarah Connor - Name: Sarah Connor - Age: In her thirties - Role: The mother of the resistance leader, John Connor. She is a strong person, who wanna help John all the way she can. She wants to teach him how to be the tough guy, so when the machines take controle, he can lead te resistance. This is a good example of a person who deelops over the story. She have seen a lot, (a machine was send back through time to kill her, with a little bit help from Reese (a soldier who was sent back to pretect her) she escaped from the machine) but she knows it will be worse. She knows what’s going to happen with the world. She tries to pretend it from happening, and in desperated attempts she tries to convince other people that John will be ‘this great millitary leader’ - Qualities: Strong, tough, careful, smart - Good/bad: Personally, I like her very much. Scarred by all the things she’ve seen, all the stuff she’ve bin through.... Great charactor. It’s a shame she didn’t sign for the Terminator lll movie. That’s one of the reasons I Didn’t read it.
Central figure: John Connor - Name: John Connor - Age: Between 10/13 - Role: The future resistance leader. I must say that I was wondering why James Cameron chose this actor for the role of John. In the script he is much... sentimel, or weak if you wanna call it that way. The John in the movie haves a strength I can’t explain. - Qualities: Strong, tough, careful, smart, just like his mom, but still a kid. - Good/bad: I think he’s a good person. He learns the terminator that it isn’t good to kill people. Central figure: T-1000 - Name: None - Age: None - Role: The T-1000 is much better then the T-800. Or, as Terminator says it: ‘a highly advanced prototype.’ It is made from liquid metal, which means he can transform for example his arms to knifes. And if you shoot at it, there is a metal colour bullet hole wich auto-fills itself. If you touch it, it will resample you. This means it saves ‘how you are build’ in his computer. He can use it to transform himself to someone. He can pretend to be anyone. The only condition is he’ve to touch the person he wanna pretend to be. - Qualities: It’s a machine - Good/bad: A strong enemy for the hero’s in ths story. But, it’s absolutely not my favourite character. Location: Los Angeles, USA
Time: the past. You know it’s before 27 august 1997, because that’s judgement day. (then the machines take over) What’s happening: let’s start from the beginning. I think you should know more about the first Terminator. This happend in the first Terminator. 1984. Just a young waitress, Sarah Connor. She is in a cafetaria watching the news when she sees that a killer killed to other Sarah Connors, in phone book order. She is the next in the phone book. She goes out and is searsching for a phone booth to call the police. She thinks someone is following her. She goes in a club, the Tech Noir. There she is attacted by a strange man. He tries to shoot her with a laser-point pistol. Another guy grabs his shotgun and fires him in the back. He lies for a second, but then, he stands up. Sarah is watching in amazement. Reese (the guy who pretend her for being shot) grabs here and they escape. He tells her the following: “that man who was trying to kill you, isn’t human. He is a cyborg.” When she asks: “I’m not stupid! They can’t build things like that.” He answers: “maby not now, but they can in 2029.” Reese explains that the machines will cause a nuclear blast. Almost the whole human race would be wiped out. And there are some people, who survived the Judgement Day, who wanna fight against Skynet. (the computer who controles the machines) The leader from the resistance is John Connor. Her unborn son, in 1984. The machines sent a terminator back through time to kill Sarah before John will be born. I’m not gonna tell the whole story, but it ends with Reese havin’ sex with Sarah. (that’s how he became John’s father. She crushes the Terminator in a hadraulic press. <-> Now I will tell about the story I’ve read. Sarah Connor was caught by an assault on a computer factory and was put in a madhouse. We don’t see the old Sarah, now we starting to know the tough and deadly mother she became when she starting to understand the future was in her hands. John is living by foster parents. His mother learned him a lot, for example how to rob a cashpoint with a palmtop. When he’s at the galleria (a sort of playhall) his friend Tim sees a cop approaching. John runs away. He finds a door with “only personal” and goes through it. There, he runs. But, someone is coming around the corner straight ahead. Its a man with a box with red roses, the “blind date type.” This changes as the man thows away the roses and shows a shotgun. Then John he turns around.. He sees the cop with a pistol in his hand. He is about to shoot. The man screams “get down” and fires his shotgun. The “cop” is disorrianted. The man and John escape in the confusion. When they escape, John notices the man is a Terminator. The machine tells him he is here to protect him against “the cop”, the T-1000. You can read an advanced description at the central figures. John discovers the Terminator has to comply him. He orders him to help him free his mom from the madhouse. This works. They had some trouble with the T-1000, but they escaped. They go to friends of Sarah. She asks alot of question to the terminator about Skynet, and especcially for who’s responsable. She discovers that Miles Dyson would encouter a revolutionary, new CPU in two months. She tries to prevent this from happening to kill Miles Dyson. But when he lies with one shot wound in his shoulder, with his kids next to him and his wife crieing, she can’t. Then John and the terminator found them in this position. Sarah crieing on the ground, and bleeding Dyson and his family. The terminator, Sarah and John explains what is going to happen. Miles Dyson explains they based their work on the arm and the CPU from the first terminator. They decide to blow up the whole project in the Cyberdyne Systems building. The T-1000 hears about the intruders at the cop radio and he’s gonna go to them. It is still his first priority to kill John. The assault on Cyberdyne was succesful, but Dyson got killed. Now they have to escape from the T-1000, who’s still trying to kill John. The end: they drive inside a metal factory. The T-1000 drives a tank-car with oxygen wich break when it crashed through the factory. When all there fights are fought, the T-1000 is drown in the fire. The terminator is going to do the same with himself, because all the CPU’s have to be destroyed. John doesn’t like that.... The end scene is when old, granny Sarah is memoriezing her thoughts on a bench at a playfield. “27 august 1997 came and went, nothing special happend.” C) AFTER
Opdrachtenbank 13
Because I readed a screenplay/filmscript I wanna ask questions to the writer/director of the movie. 1. Why did you cut the scene when the T-1000 was checking Johns room for information? (this was a great idea) 2. Why did you cut the scene when Sarah was about to remove the Terminator’s CPU? (another very good idea) 3. Why did you film another end scene for the movie? (in the movie, it ended open so there could be another sequil) 4. What was the message in this movie? (Linda Hamilton didn’t sign for T3 because there wasn’t a message. What’s the message in here?) 5. How did you find the actor for John Connor, and why this boy? (I wondered why this boy had to act him. He does it very well, but in the scripts he is more.... child)
Conclusion I’ve seen the movie about, hmm, four times, and this is why I wanted to read the script. And I’m not dissepointed. There are much scenes they’ve cut or didn’t filmed at all. This scenes wouldn’t make the film worse, but only longer. That’s my personal view of things. The most dialogs are the same, but some actions are different. Doesn’t matter. Reading the filmscript was fun, and not only because I’m a fan. They could bring this out as a book, and I would buy it. I give it a seven. You can read the script at http://www.hundland.com/scripts/Terminator2-JD.txt


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