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The old man and the sea door Ernest Hemingway

Beoordeling 6.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The old man and the sea
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 876 woorden
  • 24 januari 2002
  • 52 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.3
52 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The old man and the sea
The old man and the sea door Ernest Hemingway
Title: The old man and the sea Author: Ernest Hemingway Setting in time: 1952 Setting in place: Cuba Main Characters: Santiago, Manolin and The Marlyn Explination of title: The title is a relation between man and nature. Nature is symbolized by the marlin. At first the old man wanted only to catch and kill the fish because, he hasn’t earned any money for a long time. But then he begins to admire it for its strength and intelligence. Finally he comes to love it and feels sorry that he has kill it. The story: An old fisherman, Santiago hasn’t caught a fish for eighty-four days. His friend Manolin was no longer allowed to go with him, because Manolin’s parents says that Santiago’s boat is unlucky. The boy helped the old man to carry his gear to his shack and went to get food for him from the Tarreace, a café. The old man went than to bed and started to dream about some lions he once saw on the African coast. Early in the next morning he woke up and went to Manolin’s house to wake him up. They had coffee together and the boy toke the gear and the beats to Santiago’s skiff. Santiago rows the skiff several miles out to sea and lowers his beats. He saw dolphins and birds of pray trying to catch flying fish. A moment later he cough a tuna,which he can use as bait. At noon one of his lines dips and the old man knew that he has hooked a marlin. It was an strong marlin because it pull Santiago’s skiff along with it. The fish kept swimming all night. The old man waited for the marlin to jump out of the water, so he canharpoon it. In the morning he has eat the tuna raw. The old man’s left hand cramps as result of holding the fish line for such a long time. His back was stiff, and sore when the line runs across it. Then the fish rose out of the water, and Santiago saw that it was an enormous fish with with a long sword. By noon his hands were uncramped and he sarted to pray for the death of the marlin. The old man throws an other bait to catch a small fish that could serve him as food for himself. When the sun sets, the marlin was still swimming. Santiago catches a dolphin and feels sorry for the marlin which has nothing to eat. He wants to kill the marlin, but at the same time he’s sad because it issuch a noble fish. He thinks about the fish as his brother. During his second night on the sea he ate a part of the dolphin raw and succeed in sleeping for a while. Then he woke up when the fish tried to struggle to get away. The old man’s back and hands were badly hurt by the fishing line. He wonders why the marlin has become so excited. He has ate an flying fish and hopes that he will not get too weak to fight the marlin. As the sun came up, the fish begins to swim in circles and the old man gradually pulled in the line. It’s a very hard work, and it goes on for four hours. When the marlin started to fight again the old man was very tired, but never stops telling himself that he must kill the fish. When the fish came closer to the boat he killed it with his harpoon. He has tied the death marlin to his skiff and sails toward home. After an hour the death marlin was attacked by a shark. The old man has kill the shark with his harpoon although his hands were bleeding. The shark went down the harpoon. Now the marlin was bleeding again so it will attracts more sharks. The old man has fastened his knife to an oar and killed two galanos and when the next shark had attacked he loses his knife. Just before sunset he has beat two more sharks with a club. The marlin was half eaten. At midnight more sharks attacked and the old man fought them with his club and than with his tillerof the boat. He was very tiered and soonrealised that he couldn’t win the fight. The sharks have eaten the marlin’s meat and its carcass is all that remains. Tired to death, his hands bleeding, the old man sailed back to the shore. He had reached the coast and, with great difficulty, carries the mast of the skiff to hiss shack. He lay down on his bed and fell asleep. The next morning Manolin found him there. He began to cry when he saw the old man’s bleeding hands. In the harbour people were admiring the skeleton of the marlin. And when the old man woke up, Manolin gave him coffee. And he told Santiago that the coast guard had tried to find him. The promised his old friend that he will go fishing with him from now on. And than the man fell asleep again while tourists were admiring the marlin’s carcass.


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